A u t e m R o w

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Autem Row


Architecture + Interiors

16 units at 1,715 sf

Phoenix, Arizona

Autem Row is an array of sixteen three-story townhomes, with a central ‘walk-street’ garden court concept at its heart, designed to foster community. Its main path connects all personal gardens and common open spaces—from the Front Porch arrival on Maryland, to the mid-block Shade Garden, to the Water Terrace pool deck.

Autem Row considers its environment. Foremost its walk-street court creates a microclimate, with minimized heat-island effect and biomass of plantings. Stepped overhangs at each story provide east and west shade, reducing total energy consumption.

Autem Row townhomes are designed to read individually, with a rhythm of notched volumes maintaining a sense of residential scale. Materials are a contrast of simplicity: A grounded base of dark zinc-colored metal panels provides a scale break and acts as a backdrop for plantings, while two levels of pale smooth stucco float above, creating a crisp sculptural play of light and shadow. Dark framed windows punctuate the lighter masses.